Before Your Appointment
Proper prep for the appointment makes a huge difference in comfort and results.
Before your first appointment with me:
Do not shave or use another form of hair removal for 2-6 weeks depending on your hair growth and how long you can stand it. Hair must meet minimum lengths noted below.
Please note, the hair grows in layers, and sometimes we cannot get all of them at the first appointment. It is not uncommon to have hairs that were just under the surface or too short to pull at the first appointment. By sticking to a regular schedule with appointments 3-6 weeks apart, you will see smoother skin for longer periods of time.
Before all appointments:
Ideal length of the hair for sugaring is ¼”- ½” or about the length of a grain of rice.
Gently exfoliate the skin 2-3 times during the week before your appointment. (You should be doing this regularly anyway.) Make sure the last exfoliation is 1-2 days before the appointment. Do not exfoliate the day of!
Be sure to moisturize the skin and drink your water in the days leading up to the appointment.
However, please do not apply lotion or oil the day of the appointment.
Avoid tanning and applying retinoid creams for at least 24 to 48 hours before your appointment.
The day of, minimize your caffeine and alcohol intake to prevent your pores from tightening.